Sri Siddhartha Gautama In Hindi Dubbed Download Download Free

We have a lot of people staying in India for a short period for whom Hindi is their first language. They need to learn the basics of describing things and talking about them in English. This resource has been created to serve these people. This resource provides a set of resources with a detailed explanation of basics that are helpful in understanding English language and becoming fluent with it - through practice, reading, listening, memorizing, speaking and writing exercises etc. The best part is they are provided within an easy-to-follow order from easy words to difficult forms used in conversations related to family or work or school related vocabulary. The words are organized with their literal meaning. The book helps you to understand the events of the complicated lives of Vardhaman Mahavir or also known as Gautam Buddha or Siddhartha Gautama, through the life story of his step-brother Shuddhodana Maharaj, who was responsible for bringing this great person to earth. The protagonist Appa describes the events that happened with his father King Suddhodana Maharaj, who had seven queens and children by each one of them. He then talks about how Siddhartha married Princess Yasodhara and then married her sister Yashodhara. He then tells about Prince Siddhartha leaving for monastic life with his wife and son Rahula. He was then called Gautama Buddha when he became an ascetic, in his desire to reach spiritual emancipation, in search of the truth about life, its origin and the way to destroy the sorrow of being. His search for salvation was not easy or short - it took him several years but in the end he was successful in finding out the eternal truth about life after undergoing numerous hardships. It all started with a concept of "me" that changed into one of "not me".   It turned out to be a remarkable discovery when Siddhartha finally discovered that it was an illusion to think of oneself as separate from everything else. He learnt that the "me" is in fact only a part of the whole, as he realized that he is not some abstract essence existing separately from everything else, but rather a part of the physical world. In the end, through the four truths he realized that life is full of suffering and sorrow caused by desire or greed for things that are fleeting and unreal. When one learns to let go of those desires and attachments, one can be liberated from suffering and attain a state of blissful peace. Thus Buddha became enlightened and his suffering ended. And this is where Appa too tried to find the truth, but he tells us that he was not able to reach it because his mind was full of sins; therefore, he could not see the right path. He also said that it is important for us humans to follow the path shown by the Supreme Being with love and compassion in order to avoid sorrow and suffering. The book describes most of Siddhartha's deeds through its 58 chapters in a way that one may be able to understand them better with comprehension exercises provided at the end of each chapter.


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